November 25, 2007


Stirred if I am inside but not outwardly
expressing soul impressions, will wind still
bear sweet message one was born to blaze?
Or is it only just to join tongue and lung and breath
to air: red splash on blue water sail
rising on amber wing of sun.
Speaking of,
can a dream live amidst earth and dust
and will one day words link up revealing
a radiant jigsaw castle between us?
Maybe I could wait 'til words bend down
meeting, lowly, my own - unwilling to come out,
nor cry out, in the darkness, blind, careless,
or rash; hoping for the best.
Yet for hope's sake a word I'll cast
like water's bread remaining faithful to
the light and truth of bridges,
I believe from eternity are built.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Took me time to read all the comments, but I really enjoyed the article. It proved to be Very helpful to me and I am sure to all the commenters here! It's always nice when you can not only be informed, but also entertained!

- Josh