November 25, 2007


Stirred if I am inside but not outwardly
expressing soul impressions, will wind still
bear sweet message one was born to blaze?
Or is it only just to join tongue and lung and breath
to air: red splash on blue water sail
rising on amber wing of sun.
Speaking of,
can a dream live amidst earth and dust
and will one day words link up revealing
a radiant jigsaw castle between us?
Maybe I could wait 'til words bend down
meeting, lowly, my own - unwilling to come out,
nor cry out, in the darkness, blind, careless,
or rash; hoping for the best.
Yet for hope's sake a word I'll cast
like water's bread remaining faithful to
the light and truth of bridges,
I believe from eternity are built.

November 21, 2007

nap sonnet

this poem is dedicated to naps everywhere.

I almost wrote you an ode
but what I really mean to say is, 'hello!'
(I guess I got confused -
like the time I said "chillow.")*
Because when sleep is lessened
thanks to a three hour time change
you alone can come to my rescue
making busy days more restful.
So I finally learned your value
forgotten since I was about two
because everyday this week
you've given me what I need!

*on a trip to nyc my sis & i got into an awkward conversation with a bellman who invited himself to our thanksgiving dinner. when he offered to bring a chair or a pillow to sit on, i responded, a few seconds later, with: yeah, just bring a chillow! to say the least it didn't help the awkwardness of the situation, but to say the most, i think he thought i was making a joke so he laughed. yeah, thats exactly what i intended to do.

November 18, 2007

Hebrews 4:15-16

There is no healing
apart from the holiness of God.
nor hope,
apart from His mercy.
nor love,
apart from His friendship.
nor salvation,
apart from His blood.
for He is not far from you!
He is not alien
to your humanity

nor to your infirmity.
For we do not have a high priest
who is unable
to empathize
with our weaknesses,

but we have one who
has been tempted
in every way,
just as we are—
yet he did not sin.
Let us then with confidence
draw near to the throne of grace,
that we may receive mercy
and find grace to help
in time of need.

November 17, 2007

brief exodus

beauty bore the day when november rain waited
behind breathtaking clouds that separated pain
from sky like the red sea - upon us daylight streams
plundering men's faces from sadness and grayness.
and for reasons not fully understood comes
grieving & sorrow for hurts and wrongs i've done
and though seeking to cease, tearful do.
yet thankful songs from the inside also raise
thundering, lightning, darkness-breaking, praise.

November 09, 2007

all that i know
can be summed up in
some haunting feeling
unletting of me
to go. not because of control.
'cause i fell into an ocean and walking
steps feel so easy.
yet fearful - like a haunting.
what sort of thing does this?
cartwheeling through life
and i'm upside down crying
for the reasons.
but love
like a jewel is not forthcoming
but like miracles,

with God~
Who makes us right side up
turning turvy straight unto Himself
souls learning death
in order to know love
and therefore live
by only one profound meeting
a Lord upon a Tree

even he'll see
what scattered love-pieces
when freedom giving
and receiving
have meant
to me.
O Lord, how i
long for
& love

frustrated poet

under a tree under quiet careful i waited
when words like birds stirred above my head
'til they trembled and fell, as leaf-stars landing
a multitude, still & solid, but unwilling to be held.
i watched them lay tenderly, delicate rustling like
old friends take delight in small intimate gathering
each one bursting with joy and heartfelt expression
they colored unheard-of glories upon the black dirt
like love stories paint pages beneath its black ink.
But then the air sighed - with wind's heavy breath -
& stars and spirit split leaving barely a glimpse.
fierce and uncontrolled, wild beauty of a dance
blown as birds away, swiftly romanced.
and i wanted my word-stars
obediently to stay
that another sad sitting
perhaps gray unbelieving
might too be raised up, from black
dirt to know color, Spirit, life and birth.

*I have no idea why this poem is in the shape of a cup. It was an accident actually that i sort of just, went with!

November 06, 2007

winter's heart

Love draws what is far-off, near.
'Cross fresh and frosty furlong --
stilling the wild desert winds
and abruptly waking
Blue eyes to Blue Bright reality.
Its coolness stung my cheek,
bitterSweet rose bruise,
making me (dumb) to sing!
song sprang! like sparkles --
Light dancing over fields of snow.